Sunday, April 27, 2008

Journal Entry...Grace & Ordinary Miracles

The plan is to daily write a little in my journal...some weeks have much more success.

Some days, it's harder to find the bits of grace and "ordinary miracles"...

Today as I reflected on this week, I found myself being very thankful and humbled by it all.

*side note ~ thanks to the handful of people reading my blog for indulging me*

1. Forgiveness, finding to strength to forgive and how amazing it feels to receive was there in abundance this week.
2. Friendship, spent a lot of time with friends this week. Moments shared listening to the
of Jack Johnson & Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, folding a crazy amount of t-shirts, singing & getting some much needed clear headed advice.
3. Talking with my husband late into the wee hours of the morning till we couldn't keep our eyes open.
4. Learning of several "accidents" where my friend's loved ones were saved from being seriously injured.
5. Family, and all that it brings. The constant lessons learned and remembering that their love is what brought you to this place.
6. Music...the ability we call have to make it, enjoy it and be moved by it.
7. Prayers being answered in ways that find me grateful that I have found my faith.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Happy one Year Anniversary BIJOUCO !

We're celebrating with a big launch on ebay with a lot of special guests! This is going to be amazing!

I invited a few of my friends:

. I love Nicki! She was such a generous lady. Nicki, if you are reading this...thank you from the bottom of my heart!

Cynthia is an amazingly generous person! And our love of ravioli and thai food has bonded us for life...LOL. Cynthia, thank you for being there to encourage and answer all my questions! Thank you :)

Kirsten is amazing! and makes the most gorgeous and fun jewels! Thanks for making the m2m jewels for my sets Kirsten!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Jason Mraz...Such a Talent!...ugh I'm gonna miss his Concert

My husband & I saw Jason Mraz years ago with our good friends.
And he is AMAZING! We still talk about that night.

Well, wouldn't you know...he's going to be back in Hawaii the weekend we're going to be on Kauai for another Ukulele Festival?

Sigh...I love my work & I'm excited about our Festival on Kauai, it's always so great! ...Still I do also really love Mr. MRaz.

Jason, if you're reading this post...okay, long shot I know...
Please come back again soon!!!!

Here's a clip of one of his new songs, Live High. You can find it on itunes.

you can turn off my music player below. Enjoy!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I love her Work!

A friend just shared this NicholeV's work with me.


Check out her
it's inspiring.

I couldn't get any images to post here, just have to go & take a look see for yourself . I promise it'll be worth it!

There's a link to her blog too...scroll down to blogs I love.

Friday, April 4, 2008

From the Heart...

This was a labor of Love.

Love the fabrics, colors, design...please stop in and take a peek at
my quilted creation.

Hope it finds a happy home.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

My talented friend and Molly of MollyODesigns has tagged me.
Thanks Molly.

Here are the rules:
1. Link your tagger and list these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Feel free comment...LOL...or not...

Hold on to your seats, this may end up being a novel.

1. What I did in college
I majored in vocal performance.
My fav. class was music theory.
My history. My brain can't hold places, dates and all other necessary bits of info needed to pass a history class with flying colors.
The best thing I got out of the whole experience? ... my handsome husband.

Thank God for him...he saw me, the real me...and still wanted to spend the rest of his life with me.
the man deserves a medal...LOL...or at least a triple scoop hot fudge brownie sunday with whipped cream, peanuts and a cherry on top.

2. Geography is like Greek to me
My lack of knowledge in this arena is shameful!
Really, a 4th grader would be able to school me on this topic.
But I can find my car in a parking lot, navigate around Ala Moana Shopping Center and find my way around a new town (without getting lost)...and hey isn't that more important than knowing all the states and their capitals?

3. I've lived
on this island for my whole life. Yup, it's true.

4. On Stage
I was in the King & I (my director, Greg Zane was in the broadway cast) and Nine (found one of my dearest friends in that show...hi Lorelle!). Loved doing the musicals!
Thinking of auditioning for a show this year. Haven't auditioned in almost 10 years. But this one is worth the stress, time and possible total embarrassment of auditioning with hundreds of other people and being the worst one there!
wow! wait...has it been that long???

5. Fabric, Food, Friends & Family
I love 'em all! Especially the later two...

6. Chocolate
Must be the dark stuff. Some of the best? Dove, Ethel M's and Godiva.
Ohh and with almonds and macadamia nuts...


7. Last one!
Other things I would love to do if there were 48 hours in a day?
Watercolor Paint
Write Music
Read more!
Take a cooking class
Design Fabric
Go on a date with my husband & or talk on the phone till 6 in the morning like we used to do.

Okay, gonna tag seven you've done this one already or just don't wanna, feel free to ignore. Have a happy April!
